The defunct and bankrupt Hale & Hearty Soups have been acquired by Mauzone Food Services in Queens, NY. Mauzone is famous for its top-tier gourmet catering company Main Event-Mauzone Caterers along with the vast amount of kosher food service operations they own and operate.
The 22,000 square feet commissary in Brooklyn, NY where Hale & Harty Soups once operated will be brought back into operation to once again start producing their famous soups, this time under Rabbinical Supervision making all their soups Kosher on the market. The retail stores will remain shuddered and as of now will not be reopened under the new operation.
Soon you will be able to purchase the Hale & Harty Soups at your local retailer and discussions are underway for them to be sold at large discount retailers.
We will be updating this breaking story as more details emerge so stay tuned to our site for future updates.