We are so excited for the grand opening of Diller! A new kosher eatery, where pickles are the main star!
Located at 357 Grand St in the city, this new joint is fusing together Jewish and Asian cuisine with items such as spicy poppers, a beyond burger, reuben egg roll and so much more! Plus we all know that everything is better fried, and at Diller’s they are frying up the best! From pickles, and baby corn, to okra and string beans, this is going to be ahhmazing!
The Pickle Guys have been around for 15 years, and have grown their fanbase with pickling pretty much anything. “Diller”has been in the works for a while, and we are thrilled, and cant wait to check this place out!
All items at Diller’s are gluten free and vegetarian, and is certified by Rabbi Fishelis
Grand opening is today starting from 12:30 pm, be sure to be there before 3:30 pm for special giveaways being handed out!
Full menu is posted down below and for more information visit their website www.pickleguys.com