Get a meal give a meal!
Get delicious Shabbos food while either feeding a healthcare hero or a family in need.
When you purchase a “Shabbos in a Box” from Kosher Guru’s Kosher Response you will get a box and we will give a box to either a health care hero working a shift at a hospital over Shabbos or to a family in need, your choice.
Each box is a full catered meal for 2-3 people for Shabbos Dinner and Shabbos Lunch with gourmet food from Main Event-Mauzone Caterers along with fresh baked challah from Strauss Bakery and also includes grape juice, Gefilte fish, salads, dips, roasted chicken, grilled chicken, cold cuts, potato kugel, sweet noodle kugel, side dishes, desserts and so much more.
Order today and enjoy a gourmet meal on shabbos while also doing a beautiful mitzvah!
Pickup of purchased box in the 5 Towns.
Link to order: