Education is one of the keys to success, and last night I went to a successfully ran wine seminar and mitzvah opportunity in Brooklyn at the Kingsway Jewish Center. All the proceeds for the seminar went to benefit the fundraiser for #SaveBennyAndJosh.
Along with charts to educate each of us on the art of wines, oenophile
Gabriel Geller of Royal Wine Corp. co-hosted the event with Gary Landman of Taste Wines Co. and father of the beautiful Benny and Josh.
The wines which where among the best kosher ones were donated by Royal Wine Corp., Herzog and Dalton Wineries as well as by some other anonymous and generous donors. They were categorized by countries, grapes and blends and paired with some outstanding dishes. The delicious tuna, charcuterie and foie gras were donated respectively by Kosher Catch (Jeffrey Ingber), The Wandering Que (Ari White), and Heritage Kosher Foie Gras (Leiby Fisher).
The seminar taught us about the grouping of similar wines called a flight. We had 7 flights in total,
each with about 3 glasses of wine. So you can imagine by the end of the evening we were “flying” ourselves!
Gary got up to explain a little more about #SaveBennyandJosh and how us being there made a difference for him and his family. You can make a difference too by visiting their GoFundMe page to donate and/or sponsoring an event like this with Gabriel Geller to learn and taste some great wines with likeminded folks.
Link to donate: