Sunday mornings- also referred to as the one day a week to sleep late, catch the later minyan and just an all around lazy day. But on Sunday, April 29, 2018 around 2,000 men, women and teenagers gathered early in the morning in CitiField (and more on LiveStream) to partake in one of the most inspirational and grandest days of Torah learning of the year. The OU always has something great brewing up their sleeve, and for the second year in a row and doubling in numbers #TorahNY touched the masses with outstanding lecturers and Torah geniuses from the USA and Israel.
In a brief interview with Moishe Bane, President of the OU, he explained, “Everyone wants to learn Torah but they don’t know whether it fits them. Today we put together a wide varaiety of topics and speakers to relate to anyone attending.”
It was remarkable to see such a range of ages from NCSYers to grandparents, from all backgrounds and walks of life filling the seats of the four floor venue.
“It represents everything that the OU is trying to do in the world, increasing our relationship with Torah and Torah learning,” Executive Vice President Allen Fagin shared. “To give over
Torah in a variety of directions, a whole array of Torah programming where everyone can find shiurim and subjects that speak to their Neshama.”
It’s an honor and a privilege to be involved in an organization so influential and outstanding. Always thinking one step ahead to better our future. Already looking forward to next years #TorahNY event!
photos are courtesy of Kruter Photography
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