Start your weekend off on a good start. Wait, let me rephrase that…start your weekend off on an UhMAzing start! Studio450 in NYC is a premier loft venue and the perfect location for a night of sophistication and chill (Isn’t that the phrase the young kids are saying these days?!) Join me on Thursday, June 7th at the annual Whiskey Jewbilee featuring over 80 brands of Whisky from all around the world. Ask the ambassadors, blender, and distillers questions as they pour some of their best spirits from Scotland, America, Japan, Ireland, Canada, India, Australia, and Taiwan. But wait, it gets better. Great you have the top names and Whisky makers from all around the world, now add a nice rooftop setting, a snip off a high end cigar and a Zippo to “lighten” the mood. I would say let’s call it a night. But how could you? With the famous Ari White of The Wandering Que catering the event (and also providing Vegetarian options) and meats provided by Grow & Behold, how can you NOT sign up for this event immediately. Space is limited and tickets sell out fast.
RSVP now!
Link to buy tickets now:
I’ll make it even better for you, use PROMO CODE: KOSHERGURU at checkout for an additional 15% off your ticket.