Making a roast? Let us guide you on how to cook it perfectly. A corner to corner perfect medium rare, incredibly juicy & mouth watering, unbelievably meaty, and just perfect. Bone in or boneless, won’t make a difference.
Follow these steps and everyone will be licking their fingers.
-Prime Rib Roast (any size) but the larger the better for bigger families.
-Kosher salt
-Garlic powder
-Black Pepper
1. Salt the meat on all sides generously. Even though kosher meat is inherently salty, don’t be intimidated, the salt will need to penetrate deep, so will need a bit more than your regular seasoning.
2. On a cooling rack, place the salted roast in the fridge for 24 hours. This is called a dry brine. It will give the salt time to penetrate deep into the meat and absorb some of the moisture. Note: make sure to put it over a pan as it may drip.
3. After 24 hours, you will see it be a much darker shade of red. Take it out and if it is bone in (standing) prime rib, cut along the bone to separate the bones from the roast. Then using butchers twine, tie it back. Note: This will allow you to reap all the benefits of cooking with the bone while also taking advantage that once the roast is cooked and piping hot, you can simple detach the bones. Leaving carving into smaller servings a breeze.
4. Season with black pepper and garlic powder. This will allow the meatiness to shine. Keep it simple.
5. Add in a leave in thermometer probe.
6. Set your oven to 230ºF. If your oven can only go to 250ºF, that works too. We will be slow cooking the roast. Slowly slowly, bringing it up to a perfect medium rare. What this will result in is a corner to corner perfect cook. If you use high heat in the beginning, the outer layers will be overcooked and the centre medium rare. Here corner to corner perfection.
7. For medium rare, once the internal temp reaches 120ºF, take the meat out, cover it with aluminum foil, and let it rest for 30 minutes to 1 hour. This will give the juices a chance to redistribute throughout the meat, instead of leaking all over the cutting board. It will also allow the meat to continue to cook and reach the perfect Medium Rare Temperate of 130ºF.
For Medium, let internal temperature reach 130ºF
For Medium Well, 135ºF
For Well done, 140ºF – Well done meat may lead to meal being dryer than intended.
8. While waiting, preheat your oven now to 500ºF or as close to it as possible. When ready to eat, get the roast back in the oven uncovered, and leave it for about 10-15 minutes.
Note: The goal is to get a good colour on the outside, so when it looks good, take it out.
9. Take it out, remove the twine, detach the bones (see how easy that is?) and start carving… You will now see a perfectly cooked, incredibly fragrant and juicy, meaty prime rib roast. Ready to serve and enjoy!
BONUS: Delicious Gravy to go on top of your Rib Roast.
The best thing on a roast or mashed potatoes… Gravy! Here’s how to make a simple and easy gravy for a roast you are planning on cooking for the holidays.
3 Roughly chopped onions
3 Garlic heads (cut in half)
4 cups Water
4-6 tbsp flour
Optional: beef fat
1. add all the ingredients (except the flour) into a pot and let it come up to a boil.
2. Boil on Medium High heat for 10-20 minutes.
3. Strain the mix and add the liquid back into the pot.
4. add about the flour while mixing thoroughly to create a roux. Add more flour if needed (i.e. too liquidy).
5. Bring to a light boil for another 10 minutes until it has thickened.
6. Pour onto your roast and enjoy!
Ben is the creator of Impossibly Kosher. A YouTube and Instagram channel dedicated to making and sharing favorite meals that are mouth-watering, incredibly fragrant, and beyond delicious. All of them, 100% Impossibly Kosher. Ben is a Jewish Montrealer with a full time job who just loves to cook. Whether it’s on the grill, the stove, in the oven or simply in a bowl, he loves it all. Every Thursday, Impossibly Kosher shares a new video on how to make another delicious meal. Check them out here on Youtube, Instagram, and Facebook !